The Da Vinci Code

1 min readFeb 21, 2022


This semester, I decided to choose a story that was not as gruesome as my last book. Despite the fact that this is a detective book (The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown), and in any detective story there is a murder, it does not revolve around it.

I thought I was going to hate this when I picked it up (because i am not a great aficionado of detective novels). I thought there was no way I was going to fall into the hysteria that happened years ago when this book came out. I didn’t exactly find myself in a frenzy but quickly found myself fifty pages in and interested in a hurry. It reads fast, with short chapters and a thriller pace. Maybe I should read more thrillers but I doubt they will fill the same urge. I relish this book thoroughly.

Some vocabulary items that caught my eye:

  • surge (of something)- a sudden increase of a strong feeling
  • upswell (of something)(f)- an increase in something, especially a feeling
  • opulent (f)- made or decorated using expensive materials
  • revulsion (f)- a strong feeling of horror
  • disquieting (f)- causing worry and unhappiness
  • reclusive- living alone and avoiding other people
  • affinity (f)- a strong feeling that you understand somebody/something and like them or it




I’m not in control of my muse. My muse does all the work. Ray Bradbury